After the wild success of the first Book To Read Next (BTRN) poll, I am ready to begin the second reader's choice poll; again, there are four book choices, and all four are provided below with pictures of the book covers and links to the Amazon pages for the books (in case you need a summary or want to read reviews for the books). This time around, I'm focusing on books written for younger readers (YA/Middle Grade).
Here are the four choices:
by Cornelia Funke
Wait Till Helen Comes
by Mary Downing Hahn
The Phantom Tollbooth
by Norton Juster
The Chronicles of Narnia
by C.S. Lewis
These are all books I have on my bookshelves, waiting to be read. Help me decide which one to read next by voting on your favorite of these choices. Voting is open from today until June 19 (that is three weeks for voting, in case you're wondering), and the poll is located in the left-hand sidebar.
In the meantime, I've started reading
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
by Helen Fielding. I think I'm staying on target for my challenge, as I've read 9 books in a little under two months. So far, so good!
Ooooh, definitely Chronicle of Narnia. I love that series. I wasn't sure if I would at first, but once I started reading I couldn't stop. :)
I started reading it after Will was born (because I couldn't believe I had gone so long in life without reading a book everyone else considered a must-read), but life got hectic, and I put it back down. I think I had made it through the first two of the series, but I'd have to start over again to remind myself what had happened... Thanks for your input--I'm excited to see which book wins out in this round of voting.
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